Mastering Number
Over time, through our Mastering Number sessions, our pupils will:
- Develop fluency in calculation and a flexibility with number that exemplifies good number sense.
- Ensure that our pupils learn Maths facts to automaticity
- Be able to clearly communicate their mathematical ideas.
- Make good progress towards the Early Learning Goals and Year Group Expectations
- Demonstrate a willingness to ‘have a go’
Our Mastering Number sessions include:
- A daily session of 10 to 15 minutes every day in addition to their daily maths lesson 4 times a week to pupils in EYFS, Y1, Y2 & Y3
- We draw pupils’ attention to the right part. This enables us to draw attention and focus on the key learning step for the session.
- We scaffold understanding by using different manipulatives to expose the same structures. This enables pupils to develop a more secure understanding of core mathematical structures.
- Conceptual variation - transfer the same mathematics. When our pupils transfer their learning in a well thought out different context they become confident and make connections in learning.
- Linking the action and the thought – manipulatives secure understanding but are then visualised.
mastering number eyfs weekly overview for website.pdf
mastering number ks1 weekly overview website docx.pdf