Moorlands Primary

Club 99

Pupils are regularly tested on their progression in learning their times tables at increasing levels of competence.

 To join the ‘clubs’ and be awarded certificates, pupils will need to answer the test questions in 6 minutes ~ the number of questions to be answered corresponds with the club name:


Club 11

 X 2


Club 22

 X2, x5 and x 10


Club 33

 X2, x5 and x 10, x 3


Club 44

 X2, x5 and x 10, x 3, x 4


Club 55

 X2, x5 and x 10, x 3, x 4, x 8 including division facts


Club 66

 X2, x5 and x 10, x 3, x 4, x 8, x 6, x 11 including division facts


Club 77

 X2, x5 and x 10, x 3, x 4, x 8, x 6, x 11, x 9 including division facts


Club 88

 X2, x5 and x 10, x 3, x 4, x 8, x 6, x 11, x 9, x 7 including division facts


Club 99

 All 12 x 12 including division facts


To help your child learn their tables say them forwards and backwards with them in order e.g one two is two, two twos are four, three twos are six. Saying them in this way helps them answer division questions: how many twos in six? Two twos are six.

When they get confident ask them at random.

Remember 5 – 10 minutes a day is the best way to learn.


Below are example test papers for each level - and each pupil must obtain a 95% correct mark on the test to be considered as 'passed' at that level :

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